

Little Outdoor Giants would love to offer Yankee Magazine a look into our library of favorite New England Photos. We have a few categories of our stock that we separated for you and thought might be interesting to your readers. We also put together a few ideas for new photo stories we could potentially shoot safely with a bit of precautions for some future Yankee issues in 2020. You’ll find examples of our ideas below, with separate buttons (Download All Images Here) that will open a link to download a folder of more images from that category.

*note that each category has a separate button for that folder’s images

Please reach out to us directly if you have any ideas or need any help accessing the images, we’re happy to send along separately too.

Thanks so much for the consideration.

Little Outdoor Stock Imagery Ideas

New England Swim Holes

Little Outdoor Giants love to swim. We swim on assignments, we swim in the sea, we swim in the lakes, we swim when it’s cold. We’ve made a habit and a hobby of seeking out epic swim holes on all our adventures. We’d love to pitch a photo essay to Yankee of our collection of New England swim holes, and hopefully shoot a few more this summer for you too!

New Hampshire Wild

Going through our image catalogs we realize we have many photos from our trips to New Hampshire, enough to make a decent photo essay of our time exploring the mountains and wilds of New Hampshire, as well as some general travel images.


Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument

We’ve spent a fair bit of time enjoying Maines Katahdin Woods and Waters, both on assignment for Yankee, and for ourselves. Between canoe trips, hiking, exploring the rivers and campsites and trails, we have amassed a pretty good selection of images from spring, summer and fall in America’s newest National Monument.


Summer Imagery

A collection of some of our very favorite summer images from all over New England. Mostly outdoors and travel related, some from prior Yankee assignments, but all real fun with a strong sense of place and moment.

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New Photo Essays for 2020

We know the future is uncertain with all that’s going on with the covid-19 virus and everybody staying home. But we’ve brainstormed a few ideas of photos stories we’d love to create for Yankee Magazine. We think these ideas could lend themselves to being done safely, with minimal human interaction or close contact.

An Ode to the Oyster, The Wonderful Wellfleet

Oystering can be done by hand simply by walking through the lowtide coastal flats and filling a bucket at leisure. Additionally many professional oystermen gather at lowtide with their trucks and load them up from their plots. The draw of oystering on the cape is a grand open sky, water to the horizon, and so many hues of natural color surrounding you, along with great textural details of natural oysters and the sea. We’ve been hand foraging Oysters ourselves for years at lowtide on Wellfleet bay. We’ve been out in the height of summer, in the crips autumn, and driving rainstorms and sunsets. It’s a beautiful and delicious story we’d love shoot for Yankee.

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Thanks for taking a look!



Pilgrims Landing: a sense of place

In November of 1620, exactly 400 years ago, the pilgrims made their first landfall on Cape Cod. They spent a few weeks exploring the outer cape by boat and by foot. Their explorations are well documented, from the first encounter with the Wampanoags, to stealing a bushel of corn, to trying to sail around Monomoy but being pushed back by a storm and taking shelter in Provincetown harbor. We’d love to shoot a natural photo essay, without any people, of just landscapes and natural details of the sights they saw, the places they discovered, and the landscapes that greeted them 400 years ago.

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Social Distancing Adventures 15 Minutes from Major Populations.

To be a little more topical and try to work our truth into the current Covid-19 situation we wanted to propose using our camera and drone to shoot some amazing outdoor opportunities that would all be within 15 minutes from major populations. We’d like to make the best of the current situation and hope to inspire folks to safely discover new places and activities to explore. We’re thinking we could showcase hiking trails in the Blue Hills outside of Boston, Canoeing in Narragansett bay outside of Providence, exploring the hidden coves and cliffs of Niquette Bay State Park in Burlington, or biking around Peaks Island off the coast of Portland, or any of the other unique outdoor spaces us New Englanders can explore so close to home. We’d love to make it as diverse as possible in locations and activities.
