
Sperry Shot List in Order

8am Shooting

Location 1: Plant City Coffee & Around Block

Plant City Patio

Coffee Shop - Helen and Jackie grabbing coffee

  • Medium - 2 girls walking out of coffee shop w/Coffee in hand

  • Wide - 2 girls walking out of coffee shop w/Coffee in hand

Props: Coffee Cups, Shopping bag with groceries, travel bag for each member of the cast, Jackie has multiple bags, too many

Stoop at Plant City Coffee Shop - Cassie on the steps with black door sitting looking at her phone

  • Medium - Girl sitting on stoop on phone, gets up and walks out of frame, grabs travel bag.

  • Tight - Detail of shoes in same action

Props: Coffee Cups, Shopping bag with groceries, travel bag for each member of the cast, Jackie has multiple bags, too many

City Blocks Around Plant City Coffee Shop -

Sven on brick steps walking down them

Rhodes walking on street.

  • Wide - Guy walks out of house, down brick steps

  • Tight - Guy walks out of house, down brick steps

  • Tight- Guys shoes on crosswalk (Slo-mo Option)

  • Tight - Shoes on textured sidewalk (Slo-mo Option)

Props: Coffee Cups, Shopping bag with groceries, travel bag for each member of the cast, Jackie has multiple bags, too many





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9AM Shooting

Location 2: Plant City Coffee & Airstream Moment

  • Street Across from Plant City, Airstream Parked'

  • Tight- Airstream owners shoe detail leaning up agains airstream

  • Wide - Establishing arrival of 2x coffee shop people w/ energy and excitement, owner leaning up agains Airstream

  • Medium - Reveal of arrival of 2x coffee shop people w/ energy and excitement, owner leaning up agains Airstream, and excitement (face details)

  • medium - guy picking girl up over shoulder, carrying onto bus, lots of fun

  • Medium - throwing bags onto bus fireman style

  • tight - shots of talent laughing w/ texture of bus as background

  • Wide - shot of bus with hint of city and city texture background, talent in frame having fun at front end of bus

Shot 1: Asa leaning up on airstream

Shot 2: Coffee girls arrive Helen carries Jackie’s coffee. She has too many bags.

Shot 3: Loading on bags and gear, groceries, etc. Full group.

Shot 4: Rhodes picks up Cassie and carries her on to airstream

Props : Our amazing RV, travel bags, blankets, pile of mayhem to be loaded in the RV.




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Location 2: Memorial Park (City)

10 AM Shooting

Memorial Park South (City)

  • Medium - Two guys, one walking down steps other hopping on and sliding down rail

  • Wide - Two guys, one walking down steps other hopping on and sliding down rail

  • Tight - Shoe Details profile sliding down rail (Shoot slo-mo option)

  • Tight - Shoe Details camera leading (Shoot slo-mo option)

  • Tight - Shoes landing on ground from off the railing (Shoot slo-mo option)

Shot 1: Asa slides down rail. Close up of shoes. Rhodes walking up and down the stairs.

Props: Guys to carry to the park. Sports equipment, chair, blanket, cooler.




Location 3: Memorial Park “Campus Quad”

10:30 AM Shooting

Memorial Park Walkway

Group walking through park together (2x girls + 1 guy)

  • Wide = Walking across brick walkway with City hill in background

  • Medium = Walking across brick walkway with City hill in background

  • Tight = Shoe Details on brick walkway (Shoot slo-mo option)

  • Medium = Our two guys from stair shot above run up to join our 3 and the group is now 5

  • Wide = Whole group walking towards camera now

Shot 1: Cassie, Helen and Sven walking to park with all their gear from the dorm.

Shot 2: Rhodes and Asa rendezvous with them and then they all go to set up.

Props: All we need to set up our amazing hangout spot. Bean bags and hammocks, blanket, toys, headphones, all of it.

11am - Shooting

Memorial Park Lawn “Campus Quad” - Hammock shots

  • Wide - two people setting up hammock(s) together

  • Medium - Hammock Unfurling at camera (Shoot slo-mo option)

  • Medium - two people swinging in hammock together

  • Tight - Soft-focus Shoes w/ flare hanging out of Hammock still swaying

  • Tight - looking at two talent in hammock, holding their phone together, shot with phone in foreground

  • Medium- Close up of two people in same hammock, shot down from above, shallow, Peace signs, selfies with phone, bubble gum, sharing headphones, silly faces, whispering secrets in ear and laughing

  • Medium- girl in hammock reaches with phone to show someone on picnic blanket and falls out of hammock.  

Shot 3: Campus quad. Our group sets up their hang out zone. Frisbee tossing. Hammock hanging. Sven art moment sketching. Leaning up against a tree and more.

Props: All we need to set up our amazing hangout spot. Bean bags and hammocks, blanket, toys, headphones, all of it.

11:30AM Shooting

Memorial Park Lawn “Campus Quad” - Group Shots

  • Wide - Picnic blanket setup

  • Medium - Guy unfurls picnic blanket at camera, flare, low angle (shoot slow-mo option)

  • Medium - Lounging on picnic blanket together, Heads on bellies,, etc.  (Shot from Above, on ladder)

  • Wide - Tossing frisbee, from seated on picnic blanket to someone out in the lawn and back again.

  • Tight - low angle show of someone dancing to the tunes, in the sun, sky & trees only

  • B-Roll Shots of girls in hammock, of feet on picnic blanket, of tossing frisbee, of shoes on textures etc. etc.

Props: All we need to set up our amazing hangout spot. Bean bags and hammocks, blanket, toys, headphones, all of it.


11:30-12noon Shooting

Memorial Park Lawn “Campus Quad” - Wild Card Arrival / Ending

  • Medium - shoot direct overhead of people on blanket (two guys, two girls)

  • Medium - flip camera to looking up, see sky and tree’s in view, wild card girl pops into frame

  • Medium - Guy runs up and piggy backs onto wild card girl, surprise fun moment

  • Wide - Wildcard girl falls onto blanket, playfully they tumble into group on blanket, pig pile.

Shot 4: The group all laying down on blanket. Arrival of cool girl Jackie. Popping her face into camera. Everyone shouts, laughs, etc.

Props: All we need to set up our amazing hangout spot. Bean bags and hammocks, blanket, toys, headphones, all of it.


12-1:30 Shooting

Location 4: Airstream / Driving

  • POV Shots (no talent) of Looking out RV Window as it drives through fields and beach

  • POV Shots (no talent) of Looking out RV Windshield as it drives through fields and beach (include aesthetic of dash, etc.

  • Wide - Girl w/ feet on dash & Driver in Seat

  • Tight - Girl w/ feet out window from interior

  • Tight - Girl w/ feet out window from exterior

  • Girl laying in back of RV w/ a ton of bags (get tight of shoes)

DP to travel with RV driver for the ride down. B-roll of drive down. Last 10 minutes of ride. Everyone else make their way to LC

Shot 1: Helen boot out the window. Snow Boot.

Shot 2: Jackie in the back bedroom with all the gear. Fashion Boot.

Props: Need to decorate inside the RV first while first shot is happening at the Sea Wall. Start with front of RV. Do bedroom second. Need to decorate outside the RV when two shots are happening inside the RV.


1-2pm Shooting

Location 5: Pier / Jetty Hangout

  • Tight - Shoe Details - Walking on Jetty/Pier rocks

  • Medium - Longer lens Shoe Details through Rocks, Sea Grass, Waves, some w/ Landscape in focus in background

  • Wide - Shots of group exploring the Jetty Pier

  • Wide - shot of two talent walking to and standing at edge of Jetty/Pier rocks

Shot 1: Rhodes and Jackie on seawall. Jumping, exploring, looking out. Fashion/active boot.

Props: Need to decorate inside the RV first while first shot is happening at the Sea Wall. Start with front of RV. Do bedroom second. Need to decorate outside the RV when two shots are happening inside the RV.


2-3 PM Shooting

Location 6: Airstream Hangout at Beach

  • Medium - Spikeball outside of RV

  • Medium - Chilling in chairs outside of RV

  • Medium - Handstand Contest against RV

  • Wide - Handstand Contest against RV

  • tight - Playing guitar at RV camp site

  • Shot 1: Sven, Helen, Jackie, Rhodes hanging out. Asa standing on RV looking out at the water. Option to shoot scene from inside the house.

  • Need to decorate outside the RV when two shots are happening inside the RV.


3-4pm Shooting

Location 6: Natural Rocks & Beach Front

  • Tight - Shoe Details - Walking on natural rocks

  • Tight - Shoes Details - Walking in sand at waters edge

  • Tight - Longer lens Shoe Details through Rocks, Sea Grass, Waves, some w/ Landscape in focus

  • Wide - couple exploring the natural rocks

  • Wide - shot of couple walking at waters edge

  • Wide - Standing at edge of rocks overlooking sunset and ocean

Shot 1: Asa and Cassie climbing around. Wet weather boot.


4-5pm Shooting

Location 7: Beach Fire Pit Moment (FINAL!)

  • Medium - Series of talent walks down path, last two talent pick up fire wood from pile as they walk by

  • Tight - Fire, Sparks, Embers

  • Wide - Guy throws log onto fire, embers shoot up to sky

  • Tight - Shoe details resting near fire

  • Wide - Shot of whole scene sitting around fire, sea in background

  • Wide - Sea in focus, people in foreground out of focus

Shot 1: Group of shoes going down the path. Everyone. Rhodes grabbing firewood.

Shot 2: Sunset, campfire hangout. Everyone.








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