
Sunday Funday on College Campus



Memorial Park (both North & South)

WE found a few perfect spots for SundayFunday in Memorial Park, ideal for Hammocks, for frisbee, for a quiet day on the quad lawn. We can utilize the trees for hammocks, the lawn for relaxing, the walkways to get a campus feeling, and benches, stairs, and railings for a more urban moment at the end.

  • Frisbee throwing

  • Piggy back frisbee throwing

  • frisbee miss/juggling in the air

  • Hammock Setup

  • playing 3 person jumprope with hammock instead of rope

  • Two people in one hammock

  • Three people in one hammock

  • Just feet sticking out of hammock, single and double

  • Someone just fell out of hammock, laughing on the ground

  • blowing bubble gum bubbles sitting side by side in hammock

  • Taking a selfie in hammock, giving peace sign

  • Two hammocks strung up next to each other, they high-five between swinging hammocks

  • group on picnic blanket, hanging out, laying across each other shot from overhead

  • group on picnic blanket listening to music/bluetooth speaker

  • group on picnic blanket relaxing

  • Someone grabs others phone and is reading embarrassing texts outloud

  • Couple sitting on quad bench

  • Group sitting on quad stone wall or ledge, feet dangling

Fall Break Escape Part 1: City Coffee and Stoop

Urban City Coffee & Stoop moment

  • Group hanging out on stone steps, one person looking at phone

  • Single sliding down metal railing

  • group sliding down metal railings together, holding hands across stairs gap

  • group walking down street shot from sidewalk walking with them

  • Friends getting coffee together at local shop

  • Friends hanging out at outdoor coffee patio, sipping and laughing together

  • Friends walking down the street, coffee in hand, two have duffels/backpacks

Fall Break Escape | RV City Street Loading

Fall Break Escape | City Airstream Loading Shot on City Street

Airstream can be parked along South Water Street, a double wide one way street and depending on spot and angle can look back to city skyline, to brick buildings or to residential buildings. This is a short walk from Plant City and would make production feasible.

The Textures are all shot within 2 blocks of the RV/Plant City parking location, so with select talent and shoe options we can take a short walk to grab textures of shoes coming from different locations/textures.

  • loading up the RV on the street, duffels and bags, doing a fireman bag train

  • One guy carries one girl into rv over his shoulder

  • goofing around on the sidewalk in front of RV

  • excitement of getting onto RV, some sort of interior RV shot with group, feet up on table or dash?

  • Feet hanging out of RV passenger window as if driving down road

Little Copton Locations

  1. Lawn for RV

  2. Open beach and firepit

  3. natural rocks

  4. jetty and pier rocks.

Little Compton Location

[]RV Interior while moving (GET SHOE DETAILS)

  • Driver Driving

  • Girl w/ feet on dash (wide + tight of shoes)

  • Girl w/ feet out window (interior & exterior)

  • Playful moment between driver & girl

  • Girl laying in back of RV w/ a ton of bags (get tight of shoes)

Little Compton House Lawn

[]Airstream Arrival (Wide/Medium/Tights)

  • Spikeball outside of RV

  • Chilling in chairs outside of RV

  • Handstand Contest against RV

  • Playing guitar at RV camp site

Little Compton House Beach

[]Seaside Exploration

  • Shoe Details - Walking on natural rocks

  • Shoe Details - Walking on Jetty/Pier rocks

  • Shoes Details - Walking in sand at waters edge

  • Shoe Details - Carrying shoes in hand while walking through the water

  • Shoes details - Sea Grass

  • Longer lens Shoe Details through Rocks, Sea Grass, Waves, some w/ Landscape in focus

  • Wide Shots of group exploring the natural rocks

  • Wide shot of group walking at waters edge

  • Medium Shot - Carrying shoes in hand while walking through the water

  • wide shot of different group climbing Jetty/Pier rocks

[]Firepit scene

  • Fire, Sparks, Embers - Tight, Medium, Wide

  • Shot of Landscape/Rock, and someone steps in