
Currently Stay-at-Home orders are in full effect across the country. WORKBOOK had the great idea of offering “Produce In Place” options for clients that give us the opportunity to work with what we have. Dom’s got a baby on the way (any day now!), we have two styled and well-curated homes between the two of us, willing and experienced talent (us and wives), a studio down the street, a drone we haven’t crashed yet, and an arsenal of rad props and resources. We’ve got a lot of experience being nimble and self-producing for our clients and we’re ready to help create some brand new content for you and your brand right now.

Self - Produced Client Work


Self - Produced in our Available Spaces


A showcase of some of our spaces, our rad props, and things / places / spaces we have available to shoot with right now.


Guys, we love you. But we just want to say that for us, safety will absolutely be the first priority.

We’re sure your project is awesome. But it’s only awesome if it’s safe for everyone involved.

Thanks for understanding.