LOG Director & Cinematographer Reel 2019. Edit by P3 Maine.
Motion Examples Directed by Little Outdoor Giants
A conservation piece for Maine Mountain Collaborative, a non-profit seeking to protect forest habitat through long-term investing, and its' efforts to conserve large tracts of Maine's vast forest. Little Outdoor Giants produced, shot, and edited this motion piece over the course of 6 days all over the state of Maine. Working with real people, not actors, to help tell their unique stories and feelings about the importance of the landscape of the Maine Woods.
A brand anthem for Saucony shot by Little Outdoor Giants. Saucony came to Little Outdoor Giants to help create this motion piece titled “Run Your World”. The creative idea was to showcase that you don’t have to be a runner or a marathoner to appreciate how running and movement are such an integral part of everybodies life. We were tasked with creatively telling this story, in everyday moments, from commuting to work, to enjoying time with loved ones, to chasing a passion. The production of this motion-piece was achieved in 6 days of non-stop shooting a library of content and moments, using a small and nimble crew, in homes, out in the world, in public places, on the move, all working with real people, not models, to tell the story of how Motion runs your world.
Chris Thile and Merrill Garbus make music together in Brooklyn, New York in celebration of the new Spire Studio by Izotope. Little Outdoor Giants directed and shot this short docu-style motion piece in just four-hours with the musicians. Little Outdoor Giants were tasked with finding the location, concepting action and scenes, and a nice balance of directing the scenes as well as allowing it to unfold documentary style, while still being prepared to capture it from multiple vantages. Little Outdoor Giants were able to scout and pre-plan the location and scenes, but were given only 4 hours access with talent to create all the content needed for this cut as well as a “music-video” of the concept. Final motion was edited by the agency.
Little Outdoor Giants Commercial work for Dunkin Donuts Bold Campaign featuring Erik Weihenmayer, The first blind man to summit Mount Everest. Little Outdoor Giants worked with Hill Holiday and a small production team to spend a day with Erik at his home in Golden Colorado. We were tasked with telling his story, by interviewing, capturing a day-in-the-life, and directing him in his home. Little Outdoor Giants also edited this motion story and brought it all together using archival photos and footage from Eriks adventures, tying them together seamlessly with Eriks current words and feelings about what climbing Mt. Everest means to him.
A short teaser reel of life moments directed and edited by Little Outdoor Giants.
Client work directed and shot by Little Outdoor Giants for Capella University. Little Outdoor Giants traveled to Toronto to create a series of short vignettes and stills content showcasing how even people with busy and full lives can “learn when you want to”. The production of this had Little Outdoor Giants concepting scenes, directing dialogue, and shooting stills alongside the motion for continuity. This was shot over 3 days in Canada, working with a large and robust crew and production including talent, commercial, public, and home locations, and final motion was edited by the agency.
Little Outdoor Giants | Directors & Photographers
Little Outdoor Giants is Dom Casserly & Jarrod McCabe. We’re photographers, directors, creators, collaborators - we do pretty much everything involved to create authentic and believable motion and still imagery content. We approach each project as a unique opportunity - because we believe they all are. We adapt our roles for every shoot to make the best work possible. We both share the same skill sets, from shooting to art direction to organized and prioritized production, and use all of these skills on set as needed.
For Lifespans Community Brand Campaign we’d create a library of stills and motion content with a nimble crew and a light footprint on small sized productions. We see this production as bringing together our aesthetic of natural looking light, capturing authentic and relatable moments, and using the humor and relatable everyday moments to bring this project to life as a beautiful and approachable series of real-life moments for all viewers, old and young alike, to immediately relate to.
Little Outdoor Giants will work directly with Lifespans community programs and subjects to create vignettes and heartfelt stories that connect the life enhancing experiences shared in the community programs with the individuals unique stories and lives. Starting with research and a conversation, we will get to know our subjects, what’s important to them, and listen to how their involvement in Lifespans community programs have helped shape their lives for the better. We will then seek to creatively show and authentically tell these stories, in a visually engaging way, and to help relate them to Lifespans target demographic by sharing simple and real stories of health, community, and growth.
We have experience not just in creating imagery in perfect advertising scenarios, but to take the time and patience to work with real folks, in real world situations. People who aren’t used to being in front of the camera and who may feel self-concious about the process before we are working with them. We understand this dilemma and approach each subject and project earnestly, creatively, and with a focus on really enjoying the process. We like to have fun on set, get to know our subjects and put them at ease so that when it’s time to capture moments, we’re a part of their lives and the camera is merely a witness.
Thanks so very much for checking out our work and please reach out directly if you have any questions about our approach, our process, and our work.
Dom & Jarrod
“Ok, so here’s the deal with Little Outdoor Giants, they are magical humans. Not only are they dope photographers, they are also varsity partners and creators. If you were to close your eyes and imagine the type of people you would like to work with for the rest of your life, I think these guys would come very close to that vision. They are unafraid to create in partnership and for that any project feels like a wildly enjoyable dance. The process is incredibly professional, the detail with which they approach a project is inspiring and at the end of day the work is filled with heart. I try to work with Dom & Jarrod as often as possible.”
Little Outdoor Giants Motion & Imagery
Thanks for checking out our work!
Cheers- Giants