For any questions, clarifications or updates on your eta please call or text Dom at 508-523-8610

DAY 01: WED.JUL.05

Location 01 Address: Lowells Boat Shop, 459 Main St, Amesbury, MA 01913 (parking is tight in a dirt lot, so please pull as close to your neighbor as you safely can)

Call Time: 7AM


Photographers: Dom & Jarrod | | 508-523-8610

Creative Director: Lisa D’Elia | INSA

Designer: Pat Mahaney | INSA

Digital Tech: Rythum Vinoben | | 401-263-7049

Assistant: Chris Dempsey | | 508-269-7896

Assistant: Johnny O’Donnell | | 617-894-3897

H/MU: Julie Silva | Anchor Artists | | 508-208-5898


Day 01: Scene 01 Graham McKay at Lowells Boat Shop, fixing and fishing

Talent: Graham McKay | Boat Builder & Fisherman

Props: Center Console Fishing Boat, Fishing Tackle, Tools and Toolbox, INSA Product

Location 01: Lowells Boat Shop Dock & River

Address: 459 Main St, Amesbury, MA 01913

Production: 7am crew call time

Shooting: 8am-10am

Wrap Scene 01: 11am

Lunch Break

Crew Lunch Break: We will provide a cash $30 meal stipend for a choose-your-own-lunch-adventure

Top Reccomends in the area and enroute to Location 02: Joppa Fine Foods , Otto Pizza , Rusty Can , The Park Lunch , Cafe Azteca

Lunch & Travel: 11am - 1pm

We will wrap Scene 01 by 11am, you will have 2 hours for lunch break AND travel to Scene 02 location.

Day 01: Scene 02 Poolside hangout

Talent: Taysha | Pool Babe

Props: Pool, Pool floaties, chair, towel, beach bag, book, phone, INSA PRODUCT

Location 02: Private Home Backyard Pool

Address: 136 Rocky Brook Road, North Andover MA 01845

Production: 1pm Crew Arrival

Shooting: 2pm-3:30pm

Wrap Scene 02: 4pm

Day 01: Scene 03 CAMPOUT!

Talent: The infamous Guerrero Bros

Props: Tent, camp chairs, camp kitchen, fire, maps, camping accroutrements, INSA PRODUCT

Location 03: Lorraine Park Campground, site #65

Address: 133 Jenkins road, Andover MA 01810

Parking: We will be shooting at site #65, we will relay parking info to all crew prior to arrival

Production: 4pm Crew Arrival

Shooting: 5pm-7pm

Wrap Scene 03: 7pm

Wrap Shoot 7pm

Stay for camp party if you like!