log entry #003

{Big Bend, TX}

A Texas sized roadtrip to Big Bend National Park


Desert skies & enough BBQ for everyone.

We recently got a quick break from the rainy New England weather to run away to Texas for a camping roadtrip through the high desert. We love life on the road; the exploration, the food, the un-expected surprises and new views. And especially, the BBQ. We’ve traveled to Texas often for productions, but mostly Dallas and Austin. This was an epic escape from most modern things, without cell service or emails, a true vacation in a desert oasis with swimming, horseback riding, rattlenakes, and oh-so-many stars at night. If you’re ever headed down that way also check out the tiny ghost town of Terlingua, we got some great antelope tacos at the Starlite Lounge and a sunset graveyard you can’t miss.

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