LOG x Eddie Bauer
Chuck Martin Productions | On-Set Producer
(207) 712 9954
Jason Frank | Digital Tech
(330) 635 1247
Dom Pellegrino | Photographer
(508) 523 - 8610
Jarrod McCabe | Photographer
(415) 672 - 7156
Willard Beach South Portland
6 Willard St, So Portland Me 04106
Willard Beach
Willard Beach Locations
Pier and Lawn
Jumping on Rocks on Beach
Portraits Around buildings
Rocks on bluff below and above buildings
Fishing on Dock, Bikes on Dock, Backpacks on Dock
Spraque Property - Cape Elizabeth
Ram Island Farm Rd. Cape Elizabeth Me 04106
Spraque Property \ Cape Elizabeth
Hike in Woods
Family Camp
Explore on Paths & Boardwalk
Skipping Rocks in Cove
Campfire in Cove