
LOG x Yamamoto

ADI Scout

Cody Burgess | On-Set Producer

(413) 949 - 6660

Jason Zucco | Digital Tech

(617) 642 - 3861

Dom Pellegrino | Photographer

(508) 523 - 8610

Jarrod McCabe | Photographer

(415) 672 - 7156

Talent Options


Conference Room #1 & #2

Conference Room #1


Conference Room #2

Using the medium (Conference Room #1) and the large (Conference Room #2) we can plan on capturing employee interactions, strong portrait moments, and candid environmental imagery.

  • Employee at Work Shots

    - Interacting in meeting rooms
    - Brainstorm together (post-its on walls, paper on floors)
    - People in meetings and interacting on whiteboard/digital board (if used) - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • Sticky Notes

  • Markers for whiteboard

  • Digital presentation files for projecting on Conference TV’s

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

Talent Needed:

3-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Conference Room #1

Conference Room #2

LOG Inspiration Shots for Conference Rooms

Elevated Glass Walkway

Elevated Glass Walkway

Using the Elevated Glass Walkway’s connecting the new “Hub” building we can plan on capturing strong portrait momentsand candid environmental imagery, from both the interior of the walkway, as well as environmental imagery in unique angles from the outside of the walkway

  • Employee at Work Shots

    -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways
    - Building shots with people

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

Talent Needed:

3 Talent for up to 2 hours

LOG Inspiration Shots for Glass Walkway

Main Entrance (Interior)

Main Entrance Interior

There’s a lot of variation and opportunities at the Main Entrance to the new Hub building. Strong environmental portraits, candid environmental imagery incorporating the unique design and LED lights, the Live Green walls etc., and using uinque angles at the stairwell to capture a sense and scale of the new ADI Hub building and the people who collaborate and get inspired there.

  • Employee at Work Shots

    -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

    Props Needed:

    • laptops & tablets

    • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

    • Cell Phones

    • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

    • Commuter bag / briefcase

    Talent Needed:

    3-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

  • (+ Receptionist/Security for desk when needed)

Main Entrance (Interior) LOG Inspiration Shots

Main Entrance (Exterior)

Main Entrance Exterior

There’s a lot of variation and opportunities at the Main Entrance to the new Hub building. Strong environmental portraits, candid environmental imagery incorporating the unique design and using long lens and wide angles to capture a sense and scale of the new ADI Hub building and the people who collaborate and get inspired working there.

  • Employee at Work Shots

    -People moving around in office building
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

Talent Needed:

5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Stage Seating Hub Building

Stage Seating Area

In the Stage Seating area, we can capture unique vantage points from above, and below, highlighting the warm and atmospheric aspects of the new ADI Hub building

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Main Room Stairway

Main Room Stairway

Showcasing the vastness of the main room of the Hub building, we will take advantage of the exposed stairway, shooting tight close up moments and wide environmental shots of employees together and solo.

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-3 Talent for up to 1 hour

Cafe Table Area

Cafe Table Area

Within the Cafe area, there are many opportunities to get solo and group interaction moments, mostly seated, at the various cafe seating options, and to highlight sustainability including live plant walls. We see lots of opportunity to create wide moments showing the building shots with people as well as close up interactive moments with impromptu meetings in cafe

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways

    - Interacting in meeting rooms
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

    - Sustainability building initiatives (live walls)

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours



Within the Cafe area, there is a fireplace seating area with tables, couches, and chairs and a great spot to get a more causal group interaction moment, also mostly seated and to highlight the beautiful and inviting social spaces at the ADI campus.

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways

    - Interacting in meeting rooms
    - Building shots with people

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Fireplace - LOG Inspiration Shots

Hallways & Mini Cafeteria

Hallways & Cafeteria

In the side area’s of between the main entrance, the conference rooms and the main room are public meeting spaces, tables with chairs, and a small cafeteria which Nina asked us to highlight for ADI. We think these spaces show the unique architecture, the LED lights and the collaborative and open nature of the Hub building.

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways

    - Interacting in meeting rooms
    - Building shots with people


  • - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Exterior Campus

Exterior Campus

There’s a lot of unique architecture and opportunities to showcase the design of the new ADI campus. Strong environmental landscapes, candid environmental imagery incorporating the unique design and using long lens and wide angles to capture a sense and scale of the new ADI Hub building and the people who collaborate and get inspired working there.

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building
    - Building shots with people


  • - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

Exterior Social Hubs (Patios & Decks)

Exterior Social Hubs (Patios & Decks)

Similar to the Cafe area, there are many opportunities to get solo and group interaction moments at the various outdoor social seating locations around the new Hub building. We see lots of opportunity to create wide moments showing the exterior building shots with people as well as close up interactive moments with impromptu meetings in an outdoor, casual environment

Employee at Work Shots

  • -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways

    - Interacting in meeting rooms
    - Building shots with people

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Meals and Lunches for props

Talent Needed:

2-5 Talent for up to 2 hours

EV Shots on Campus & Solar Panels on Parking Garage

EV Shots on Campus & Solar Panels on Parking Garage

There’s a lot of unique architecture and opportunities to showcase the design of the new ADI campus with the EV car on campus, the Solar Panels on Parking garage roof, and the EV charging station in the parking garage. We see these as three distinct opportunities to highlight ADI’s sustainability as well as state of the art campus.

- EV in parking lot
- EV car with someone holding the charger
- Solar panels on campus
- Charging station with campus in background

Props Needed:

  • Commuters with Bags

Talent Needed:

1-4 Talent for up to 2 hours

Building #7

There’s a lot of variation and opportunities at the not-yet-occupied new Building #7. The space is empty of people, but perfect for capturing additional moments in hallways, group meeting spaces, private offices and showcasing more unique live green walls with public community meeting opportunities. We had time to scout a single office, 2 additional conference rooms, and a great hallway lounge.

  • Employee at Work Shots

    -People moving around in office building

    - People hosting meetings in stairway, cafe, hallways
    - Building shots with people

  • Sustainability

    - LED lights in building

Props Needed:

  • laptops & tablets

  • Note/Sketchbook, Pens & Pencils

  • Cell Phones

  • Take-Out and travel coffee cups

  • Commuter bag / briefcase

  • Sticky Notes

  • Markers for whiteboard

  • Digital presentation files for projecting on Conference TV’s

Talent Needed:

TBD - We could spend a 1/2 day here shooting

Rough Schedule:

Monday March 22nd

Sunrise 6:44am

Sunset 6:59pm

8am Call time for Photo Crew and Production

8am - 9am - Gear Prep and setup for Shot 1

9am-11am - Main entrance Interior

11am - 12pm - Conference Rooms #1 & #2

12pm - 1pm - Lunch

1pm - 2pm - Stage Seating Area

2pm - 3pm - Cafe Table Area

3pm - 4pm - Main Room Stairway / Fireplace
4pm - 5pm - Elevated Walkway

5pm - 6pm - Wrap final shot and gear out, LowRes JPG’s to client

Tuesday March 23rd

Sunrise 6:42am

Sunset 7:00pm

7am Call time for Photo Crew & Stills

7:30am Call time for EV Talent (2-3)

7:30am -8:15am Shooting EV on campus Stills & Drone

8:15am-9:30 am Shooting EV in parking garage with Charging Station Stills

9:30 am-11am - Building Exteriors with talent

11am -12pm - Exterior Social Hubs

12-1pm Lunch

1pm - 2pm - Building #7 Hallway Lounge

2pm - 2:30pm - Building #7 Private Office Couch

2:30pm - 3pm - Building #7 Live Wall Lounge

3pm - 4pm - Building #7 Large Conference Room & Private corner office

4pm -5pm - Wrap final shot and gear out, LowRes JPG’s to client